BMI-enbled Web Service Model (BMI)

BMI-enabled models are self-describing by uncovering models’ metadata through BMI (Basic Model Interface) functions, developed in CSDMS (Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System). We expose the BMI-enabled models as web services that allow users to access the functionality of BMI-enabled models through web services. A BMI-enabled web service model is composed of a set of REST API endpoints, each of which exposes a BMI function at most cases. One of the usages of BMI-enabled web services models is implemented in integrating these web service models through EMELI-WEB. Currently, BMI-enabled TopoFlow components are exposed as web services.

Endpoints for Available Models

GET /bmi/models

Return all the available BMI-enabled web service models.

Example request:

GET /bmi/models HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

 "models": [
Test Call

GET /bmi/models/{model}/working

Check whether a specific web service model named as model is working.

  • model (string) – the name of the model

Example request:

GET /bmi/models/met_base/working HTTP/1.1

Example response 1 – when the web service model is working:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "info": true

Example response 2 – when the web service model is not working:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

   "info": false

Endpoints for Model Control Functions

POST /bmi/models/{model}/instantiate

Instantiate the BMI-enabled web service model with name ‘model’ and return back an ID for further web service interactions.

  • model (string) – the name of the model

Example request:

POST /bmi/models HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

 "ID": "fa821dfbc4844559a6d67e910aa58db5"
PUT /bmi/models/{model}/{id}/initialize

Initialize the BMI-enabled web service model with name model and id after it is instantiated and the configuration file if any is sent to it.

  • model (string) – the name of the model
  • id (string) – the ID of the model instance, generated when the model is instantiated

Example request:

PUT /bmi/models/met_base/fa821dfbc4844559a6d67e910aa58db5/initialize HTTP/1.1

Example response1 – when the web service model is instantiated:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "status": "initialized",
  "DONE": false,
  "temp_file": "",
  "time": 0.0

Example response2 – when it fails:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

 "info": "Model is not initialized."
PUT /bmi/models/{model}/{id}/update

Update the BMI-enabled web service model with name model and id after it is initialized.

  • model (string) – the name of the model
  • id (string) – the ID of the model instance, generated when the model is instantiated
Query Parameters:
  • download_updatenc – a boolean value indicating whether a temporary NetCDF file storing the output variable values at the current time should be generated.

Example request:

PUT /bmi/models/met_base/fa821dfbc4844559a6d67e910aa58db5/update?download_updatenc=true HTTP/1.1

Example response1 – when the web service model is updated and generates a NetCDF file:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "status": "updated",
  "DONE": false,
  "temp_file": "",
  "time": 6.0

Example response2 – when it fails:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

 "info": "Model is not updated."
PUT /bmi/models/{model}/{id}/finalize

Finalize the BMI-enabled web service model with name model and id after the simulation is done.

  • model (string) – the name of the model
  • id (string) – the ID of the model instance, generated when the model is instantiated

Example request:

PUT /bmi/models/met_base/fa821dfbc4844559a6d67e910aa58db5/finalize HTTP/1.1

Example response1 – when the web service model is instantiated:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "status": "finalized",
  "DONE": true,
  "temp_file": "",
  "time": 24.0

Example response2 – when it fails:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

 "info": "Model is not finalized."

Endpoints for Model Information Functions

GET /bmi/models/{model}/get_input_requirements

Return the configuration information about what the model with name model requires for the initialization in RDF triples.

  • model (string) – the name of the model
GET /bmi/models/{model}/{id}/get_input_var_names

Return the inputs of the BMI-enabled web service model with name model and id

  • model (string) – the name of the model
  • id (string) – the ID of the model instance, generated when the model is instantiated

Example request:

GET /bmi/models/met_base/fa821dfbc4844559a6d67e910aa58db5/get_input_var_names HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "inputs": [
GET /bmi/models/{model}/{id}/get_output_var_names

Return the outputs of the BMI-enabled web service model with name model and id

  • model (string) – the name of the model
  • id (string) – the ID of the model instance, generated when the model is instantiated

Example request:

GET /bmi/models/met_base/fa821dfbc4844559a6d67e910aa58db5/get_output_var_names HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "outputs": [
GET /bmi/models/{model}/{id}/get_config_var_names

Return the config variables of the BMI-enabled web service model with name model and id

  • model (string) – the name of the model
  • id (string) – the ID of the model instance, generated when the model is instantiated

Example request:

GET /bmi/models/met_base/fa821dfbc4844559a6d67e910aa58db5/get_config_var_names HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "config": [
GET /bmi/models/{model}/{id}/get_attributes

Return the attributes of the BMI-enabled web service model with name model and id

  • model (string) – the name of the model
  • id (string) – the ID of the model instance, generated when the model is instantiated

Example request:

GET /bmi/models/met_base/fa821dfbc4844559a6d67e910aa58db5/get_attributes HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "attributes": {
    "author_name": "Scott D. Peckham",
    "cfg_extension": "_meteorology.cfg",
    "cfg_template_file": "",
    "cmt_var_prefix": "/Meteorology/Input/Var/",
    "comp_name": "Meteorology",
    "dialog_title": "Meteorology: Method 1 Parameters",
    "grid_type": "uniform",
    "gui_xml_file": "/home/csdms/cca/topoflow/3.1/src/share/cmt/gui/Meteorology.xml",
    "model_family": "TopoFlow",
    "model_name": "TopoFlow_Meteorology",
    "step_method": "explicit",
    "time_step_type": "fixed",
    "time_units": "seconds",
    "version": "3.1"

Endpoints for Temporal Information Functions

GET /bmi/models/{model}/{id}/get_time_step

Return the time step of the BMI-enabled web service model with name model and id after it is initialized.

  • model (string) – the name of the model
  • id (string) – the ID of the model instance, generated when the model is instantiated

Example request:

GET /bmi/models/met_base/fa821dfbc4844559a6d67e910aa58db5/get_time_step HTTP/1.1

Example response1: when it succeeds:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "step": 0.6

Example response2: when it fails:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "info": "time step cannot be obtained"
GET /bmi/models/{model}/{id}/get_time_units

Return the time units of the BMI-enabled web service model with name model and id after it is initialized.

  • model (string) – the name of the model
  • id (string) – the ID of the model instance, generated when the model is instantiated

Example request:

GET /bmi/models/met_base/fa821dfbc4844559a6d67e910aa58db5/get_time_units HTTP/1.1

Example response1: when it succeeds:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "units": "second"

Example response2: when it fails:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "info": "time units cannot be obtained"
GET /bmi/models/{model}/{id}/get_time/{when}

Return the time of the BMI-enabled web service model with name model and id after it is initialized.

  • model (string) – the name of the model
  • id (string) – the ID of the model instance, generated when the model is instantiated
  • when (string) – the specified time (the available options for when are “current”, “start” and “end”)

Example request:

GET /bmi/models/met_base/fa821dfbc4844559a6d67e910aa58db5/get_time/current HTTP/1.1

Example response1: when it succeeds in getting the current time:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "time": 12.0

Example response2: when it fails:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "info": "current time cannot be obtained"

Endpoints for Grid Control Functions

GET /bmi/models/{model}/{id}/{var}/get_grid_properties

Return the grid properties of the variable with name var in the BMI-enabled web service model with name model and id after it is initialized.

  • model (string) – the name of the model
  • id (string) – the ID of the model instance, generated when the model is instantiated
  • var (string) – the standard name of the variable used by the model

Example request:

GET /bmi/models/met_base/fa821dfbc4844559a6d67e910aa58db5/land_surface__slope_angle/get_grid_properties HTTP/1.1

Example response1: when it succeeds:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "grid_type": "uniform",
  "grid_info": {
    "lower_left_corner": [377239, 4459392, 0.0],
    "spacing": [24.37, 32.85, 0.0],
    "shape": [586, 399, 0]

Example response2: when it fails:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "info": "fail in getting the grid properties of land_surface__slope_angle."

Endpoints for Variable Setter Functions

PUT /bmi/models/{model}/{id}/set_vars_provided_list

Inform the BMI-enabled web service model with name model and id of the variables which would be used by other models after it is instantiated.

  • model (string) – the name of the model
  • id (string) – the ID of the model instance, generated when the model is instantiated
Request JSON Object:
  • vars_provided (list[string]) – a list of variables which would used by other models in standard names.

Example request:

PUT /bmi/models/met_base/fa821dfbc4844559a6d67e910aa58db5/set_vars_provided HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Data: {"vars_provided": ["atmosphere_aerosol_dust__reduction_of_transmittance", "atmosphere_air-column_water-vapor__liquid-equivalent_depth"]}

Example response1: when it succeeds:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "info": "success"

Example response2: when it fails:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "info": "Fail in setting the provided variable list."
PUT /bmi/models/{model}/{id}/set_values_for_vars

Reset the values of some variables in the BMI-enabled web service model with name model and id by sending a NetCDF file which includes the values of variables to be setted after the model is instantiated.

  • model (string) – the name of the model
  • id (string) – the ID of the model instance, generated when the model is instantiated
Form Parameters:
  • setted_vars_file – a file object containing the values of the variables that are to be setted in a NetCDF file

Example response1: when it succeeds:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "info": "success"

Example response2: when it fails:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "info": "Fail in setting the provided variable list."

Other Endpoints

PUT /bmi/models/{model}/{id}/send_cfg_sup_files

Send a configuration file along with any input files to the BMI-enabled web service model with name model and id after the model is instantiated.

  • model (string) – the name of the model
  • id (string) – the ID of the model instance, generated when the model is instantiated
Form Parameters:
  • cfg_file – a file object for the configuration file
  • sup_file – a file object for any input file (can be more than one)

Example response1: when the configuration file(s) is successfully sent to the service:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "info": "success"

Example response2: when it fails:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "info": "Fail. File is not valid."
PUT /bmi/models/{model}/{id}/update/{mode_status}

Update the mode status of the BMI-enabled web service model with name model and id after it is instantiated.

  • model (string) – the name of the model
  • id (string) – the ID of the model instance, generated when the model is instantiated
  • mode_status (string) – the mode status of the model (options: “driver” and “nondriver”)

Example request:

PUT /bmi/models/met_base/fa821dfbc4844559a6d67e910aa58db5/update/driver HTTP/1.1

Example response1: when it succeeds:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "mode": "driver"

Example response2: when it fails:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "info": "the mode is not updated"
GET /bmi/models/{model}/{id}/output

Get the information of the output files of the BMI-enabled web service model with name model and id after it is instantiated.

  • model (string) – the name of the model
  • id (string) – the ID of the model instance, generated when the model is instantiated

Example request:

PUT /bmi/models/met_base/fa821dfbc4844559a6d67e910aa58db5/output HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "files": [""]
GET /bmi/models/{model}/{id}/download_temp_nc/{filename}

Download the temporary NetCDF files of the BMI-enabled web service model with name model and id after the model is initialized, updated and finalized.

  • model (string) – the name of the model
  • id (string) – the ID of the model instance, generated when the model is instantiated
  • filename (string) – the filename of the temporary NetCDF files
GET /bmi/models/{model}/{id}/download_output/{filename}

Download the output files (if any) of the BMI-enabled web service model with name model and id after the model is finalized. The output file information can be obtained from the API endpoint of output.

  • model (string) – the name of the model
  • id (string) – the ID of the model instance, generated when the model is instantiated
  • filename (string) – the filename of the output file
DELETE /bmi/models/{model}/{id}/remove

Remove the instance (the including the model instance and the files (i.e., input, output and temp files) if any) of BMI-enabled web service model with name model and id after the model is instantiated.

Example request:

DELETE /bmi/models/met_base/fa821dfbc4844559a6d67e910aa58db5/remove HTTP/1.1

Example response1: when the model instance is removed:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "info": "success"

Example response2: when the ID does not exist*:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "info": "ID does not exist"